Personnel services – the best people achieve the best results

The best results are achieved by competent employees, working together with uniform values, the finding and keeping of which is a time consuming process that requires constant effort.

We create added value in helping you find the right employees by providing the necessary documentation and making suggestions for motivating the employees and creating a better working environment. This means there are dedicated employees at your work who contribute maximally to the growth of your business.

Personnel search

Getting to the right people requires dedication, thoroughness, experience, using thought-out channels, and reacting promptly. We help you find the right employee by using a variety of search methods – public search, database search, or targeted search. The use of a particular search method depends on your search requirements. We have experience in finding employees from different occupations and for various positions.

To find a suitable employee, we perform the following activities:

  • A thorough explanation of the profile of the employee being sought.
  • Mapping of the search channels.
  • Designing and publishing of attractive job advertising in different channels.
  • Analysis of submitted applications, conducting of telephone interviews, background research for selected candidates (incl. public databases, portals, social media, criminal record).
  • Comprehensive interviewing of the best candidates, calling the referees and identifying past working behaviour.
  • Conducting tests in agreement with the client, incl. the test of professional language/languages, personality test (DISC), test of analytical skills, motivation test; writing a motivation letter and/or essay on a given topic.
  • Compiling a comprehensive overview of the best candidates of the final round, feedback and letter of thanks to all the candidates who participated in the competition.

Personnel service

Personnel upkeep involves a large number of important activities, which often go unnoticed. We help you as needed with both one-time and long-term activities, by performing the role of your company’s human resources manager.

  • Personnel work audit: mapping the need for the current situation and required changes, through the familiarisation of personnel documentation and with interview managers and personnel.
  • Labour law counselling: the preparation of underlying standard documents for employment relationships and comprehensive legal counselling.
  • Personnel accounting: registration of a new employee in the employment register, management and archiving of employment contracts and job descriptions, personnel statistics, accounting of working time and leave, incl. compiling of leave schedules.
  • Compiling personnel documentation: preparation, amendment and termination of personnel contracts, preparation of job descriptions, formulating of a competition restraint agreement, establishing the procedure for paying performance payments, creation of leave applications, training agreements, trip reports, etc., according to your needs.
  • Organisation of work: the development of procedural rules, incl. the introduction programme of a new employee, work organisation rules, leave and substitution system, training policy, internal communication plan, development interview system, business trip procedure, and more.
  • Development and training activities: improvement of employee performance and results through compiling and organising training and development plans.
  • Motivation and job satisfaction: conducting a satisfaction and motivation survey among employees and creating a motivational system.
  • Remuneration: evaluation of positions and employees, creation of a payment system, creation of a performance and bonus system, calculation of payable remuneration and other fees, payment of remuneration, organisation of tax accounting and submission of the declaration.

Quick entry into the job for a foreign worker (onboarding)

We help an employee who has arrived to work and live in Estonia from a foreign country, with the necessary documentation and arrangements for local living, creating bank accounts, finding a place of residence, learning the language and counselling with problems encountered in getting used to living here. We do our best to make your new employee feel welcome in Estonia, at home and safe.

Work environment specialist service

In order to provide your employees with a safe and secure working environment that is in accordance with the requirements arising from legislation, we map the current state of your company and make recommendations for improving the working environment. Within the framework of the service, we assist you in the following activities:

  • Organisation of occupational safety activities and creation of documentation, incl. establishing working environment structures, conducting risk analysis and creating risk analysis documentation, preparation of work safety instructions, occupational safety procedures, documentation of occupational accidents, development of the procedure for health checks and internal control of the working environment.
  • Occupational guidance of employees and presentation of the requirements.
  • Organising a health check for employees in cooperation with a health care service provider.
  • Communication with the Labour Inspectorate.

Contact us and we will help you resolve every concern regarding personnel!

Contact us

Human resource services team

  • Laura Kasterpalu

    Head of HR department 5661 9344
  • Laura Hein

    Manager of HR services 5851 6544
  • Maris Mikk

    Personnel specialist 5851 6544
Your Office
  • +372 622 1886
  • 8a Lõõtsa St, 11415 Tallinn
Contact us